Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Community Thanksgiving Dinner 2023
Please join us in putting on the Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner and to enjoy eating together once again.
Thursday, Nov. 27, in two shifts, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m
Jobs: Help prep food for dinner and set tables
On Thursday, Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day from 9 a.m. Early and late shifts available.
Jobs: Roast a few turkeys (provided) at home and bring to church by 10:30 a.m. Cook dinner items at church, make relish dishes, package take-out and delivery meals (11:30ish).
Help serve at 1 p.m. and clean up dishes and pots and pans after serving.
Email Jen Delfs at or Bruce Tyler at to indicate how you can help. We hope to hear from you by November 16 at the latest so we know how to arrange the crews.
The dinner itself:
Traditional Thanksgiving Sit-down Family-Style Dinner
Roast Turkey and all the trimmings
Served at 1 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall
All are welcome.
We will also offer limited take-out meals and delivery to the homebound within the city limits between noon and 12:30 p.m. by RESERVATION ONLY. (sorry to shout) due by Thursday, November 21.
To Reserve: Call Francie Beaster at 218-475-2747. Leave your name, phone number and number of meals requested. Francie will return your call to confirm.
Thank you for your assistance and hope we will renew old acquaintances and make new connections over dinner again this our 49th year to host this Community Dinner.
Yours in hopefulness,
Bruce Tyler
co-chair, Thanksgiving Dinner crew.